This is the title of a song written by Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills & Nash fame. It encourages communication, love and understanding between the generations.
I thought it was particularly poignant given the news this week that hospital admissions for young people aged 10-14 who have self-harmed have risen alarmingly in the last few years.
Experts say that this is just the tip of an iceberg as there are many more young people struggling on their own. This is especially so with boys, for whom self-harming is seen as a female behavioural problem. For them there is far too great a risk that the feelings they carry might be discovered by their peers which fuels the perceived stigma of talking about how they really feel.
Of course this comes at a time of child-focussed Christmas activities, entertainment, and of course present buying. But children need our love, time and attention more than expensive presents for their healthy emotional growth.
So if you have children, teach them well by the example you show of how you value them. If you have parents, teach them well also, so that they understand how you really feel.
The best line from the song – “And know they love you.”